Families Involved in Recovery, Support, and Transformation (FIRST) Center is the realization of the Center’s Founder who, in 2015, began to hear regularly about three pressing needs for family support.
In the first case, families with members in recovery reported inadequate access to and support of their own issues while tending to the needs of not only the family member in crisis but their whole family at the same time.
Second, complicating matters for families in recovery were the navigational difficulties of the medical/legal/educational/social service system(s) of care that easily overwhelmed even the most well-informed families.
Finally, rural families (like other disparity communities) are subject to cultural norms that over-emphasize independence and a “tough-mindedness” that can inadvertently increase risk of poor physical, as well as behavioral health outcomes associated with such factors as isolation, difficulties accessing services, low economic status, and stigma/shame. All these conditions have complicated the health and well-being status of families in Huntingdon County.
3 questions
Who can help us?
Where do I get help?
Why does it have to be so hard?
Glad you asked...
FIRST Center helping you to connect.
We don't know either. That's why we're here with you to figure it out so it's easier the next time and for others.
To address this, The FIRST Center was legally incorporated as a non-profit community-based family service organization in 2018 with a vision of a healthy community (in Huntingdon County) that supports families and their family members to survive, recover, and thrive despite physical, educational, legal, or behavioral/health recovery issues. We accomplish our mission of supporting families in recovery through community building, education, research, collaboration, and supportive services.
The organization is grounded in the realization that: a) seeking support aids recovery and well-being, and b) finding services can be challenging except when done with peers shining a light, offering encouragement, and offering a hand of support.
We affirm that treatment works, recovery is possible, and that long-term success in recovery involves peer and family support, and a community working together effectively.
As a new organization, the FIRST Center is finalizing the development of its Board of Directors, setting up its operational base, completing its 501c3 application, and conducting program and sustainability planning.